Star Wars Outlaws Preview – Venturing Into Space

While visiting Massive Entertainment to be among the first to get my hands on Star Wars Outlaws, I enjoyed playing through stealth sequences, shootouts, conversations, and open-world speeder gameplay.

If You Love Baldur’s Gate 3, You Should Play D&D

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the latest, and perhaps greatest, attempt to bring the Dungeons & Dragons game to the video game world. At the same time, it’s a new chapter in a long legacy that surrounds the interplay between the original tabletop RPG and the video gaming hobby.

You Can Clean Final Fantasy VII’s Midgar In Powerwash Simulator Today

The overlap of Powerwash Simulator fans and Final Fantasy VII diehards hits in full force today, thanks to the launch of a free DLC pack for the popular sim.

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider Review

Retro platformers are not hard to come by. I count myself among the group of video game players who welcome efforts from small development teams that play to our nostalgia for an era where playing video games meant tuning to channel 3

Los Angeles Is A Great Location For Dead Island 2

Deep Silver revealed Dead Island 2 in 2014 and Los Angeles was its primary setting (with a tease in the game’s logo that San Francisco might be in it as well). Fans were excited about the sequel for several reasons

Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Review, Wii U Turns 10 | All Things Nintendo

On this week’s episode of All Things Nintendo, it’s Pokémon launch day! Brian is joined by associate editor Charles Harte to chat all about their time playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope Gets Three Expansions Next Year

Ubisoft has rolled out its post-launch content roadmap for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. Owners of the game’s season pass, whether purchased separately for $29.99 or bundled in the game’s $89.99 Gold Edition, have three big adventures aimed at keeping them glued to the game throughout 2023. 

God of War Ragnarök Review – Next To Godliness

To call the 2018 God of War a sequel almost does it a disservice. Yes, it was a continuation of Kratos’ original multi-game journey, but it placed him and a new family in a foreign world to reflect on his past and try to secure his future.

Resident Evil Village: Shadows Of Rose DLC

Your host Wesley LeBlanc chats with Game Informer’s new magazine director (and returning face) Kyle Hilliard about the new Shadows of Rose DLC for Resident Evil Village.

Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, a Mobile-Exclusive RPG

Warner Bros. Games has announced Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, a mobile-exclusive Mortal Kombat experience. The game is described as a collection role-playing game where players build a roster of fighters from the Mortal Kombat universe and “unleash them in massive real-time group battles.”
